Wavemakers Modular and Integrated Synthesizer Site
The pages
you see here are a tribute to the work of Dr. Terry Kincaid and
Dr. David S. Bates. This site is dedicated to chronicling and
preserving the history of Wavemakers, also known as kb electronic
music instrumentation. This line of synthesizers was produced
from 1970 to the early 1980s.

Web Site Updates
- 11/22/12 Added two extracts
and one short piece from the Wavemaker 4 on the Music page
- 3/3/12 Adding photos of
kb206r Dual Reverberation and kb824r Integrated Processing System
(1st version) racks.
- 2/25/12 Added individual
photos of 105/106 Oscillator B, 108 Oscillator A, 152 Phase Shifter,
201 Dual Oscillator, 226 Balanced Modulator, 238 Dual EG, 265
Dynamic Shaper, 281 Multifunction Filter, 444 Dual EG and Step
Voltage Source. Updated catalog, phots and links pages.
- 1/15/11 Added equipment
photos to history page including Terry Kincaid basement studio
- 1/8/11 Added photos of
Terry Kincaid to the History section.
- 8/28/10 Added photos of
255R Phase Shifter
- 9/5/07 Added more photos
of Wavemakers modular and 658 Sequencer.
- 5/15/06 Added four mp3
samples of the Wavemaker 652 Dual Voice Subsystem.
- 3/7/06 Added photos of
Wavemaker 652 Dual Voice Subsystem.
- 12/30/05 Added photos of
full Wavemakers modular and 658 table top digital sequencer.
- 5/9/05 Added closeup photos
of WM4S top three panels.
- 4/24/05 Added block diagram
details to Wavemaker 4 Nontechnical document pages 2, 19.
- 12/15/04 Added nine photos
of Wavemaker 6.
- 12/13/04 Added photo of
Wavemaker 6.
- 9/12/04 Added photos of
Wavemaker 4S.
- 8/19/04 Added Wavemaker
4 Front Panel Recreation.
- 7/24/04 Added documents
for Preliminary R-Series, 824 Integrated Processing System, 445
Pan Generator, 1974 Shortform catalog, Wavemaker 4 Promotional
Brochure and Nontechnical Outline, Wavemaker 4 with pan generator
front panel facsimile and Modular System Modules. Upgraded documents
to better resolution for 718 Sequencer, 232/432 Power Amplifiers,
Wavemaker 4 descriptive notes, 1978 Price List, 822 Integrated
Processing System and Wavemaker 4 standard version front panel
fascimile. Added 255 Dual Input Module and 445 Pan Generator
to modular series chart.
- 7/6/04 Added 232/432 product
outline, Wavemaker 4 descriptive notes and 858 front panel fascimile.
- 2/14/04 Added Wavemaker
4S preliminary description and front panel facsimile.
- 1/4/04 Added David S. Bates
biography and photos and NAMM 1980 personal recollection.
- 5/26/03 Added second 858
Series Mixing System product outline.
- 3/31/03 Added 164 Control
Routing module to catalog page, another photo of the rack series,
upgraded 822 pictures under 822 module listing.
- 2/26/03 Added Wavemaker
6 description and 858 Series Mixing Systems description.
- 2/22/03 Launched web site
at new dedicated URL.
- 1/25/03 Added tables to
catalog page for modular, 600 and rack series.
- 1/15/03 Updated Wavemakers
history with biographical information on David Bates and Terry
- 12/07/02 Added 147 module
to catalog page, photos of 147, 255R, 269, 653, 658 and rack
- 11/24/02 Added Wavemakers
advertisement, 234R photos.
- 11/14/02 Updated Links
- 11/11/02 Added Aries Modular
Systems and Cyndustries links to Links page.
- 8/26/02 Added Wavemaker
4 alignment instructions.
- 7/1/02 Added new Wavemaker
4 closeups.
- 6/6/02 Added three new
Wavemaker 4 images.
- 6/4/02 Upgraded Wavemaker
4 image on main page.
- 6/3/02 Added 328R, 663,
668, 768 to catalog and documents. Upgraded 653 document.
- 4/29/02 Added Wavemaker
4 advertisement
- 4/3/02 Public site launched.
All original material at
this web site is copyright 2002-2012. Rights revert to the contributors.
Special thanks to Dave Vosh, Chris Peters, Dr. Russell Pinkston,
Dave Greenspan, Rick Smith, Thomas Court, Rick Petersen and Kevin
Lightner for permission to use their materials, and to the many
anonymous donors.
If you have any
information to share on Wavemakers modular synthesizers, have
created music with Wavemakers or have modules for sale or in need
of repair, please contact John Loffink at
Any contributions can be kept strictly confidential if so desired.
Visit our other site,
Microtonal Synthesis